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EDAC Minutes 1/21/13
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Preliminary Meeting Minutes
Recorded by Bob Marshall
January 21, 2013

Members present: Ray Cilley, Jack Moran, Jim fletcher, Norm Nickerson, Paul Renaud,   Bob Marshall-Facilitator

Bob Marshall thanked the members for volunteering to serve and briefly discussed the origins of the initiative to convene this body. Greatest energy for this proposal came from the 2003 Master Plan and current Master Plan revision that is under way. He explained how and why members were chosen and provided a list of potential additional members in the community.
He identified two tasks on which the Planning Board and Selectmen needed recommendations by September 2013:     
*  Broad band availability and needs in town.    
*  Suggestions for new industrial/commercial zones to be put before voters in 2014.

New Business: Ray Cilley commented that he had found some information about the existence of UNH Cooperative Extension resources for this purpose that we might pursue. He also noted the presence of the large non-profit agencies in town that provide unique services and yet make significant demands on the community. A brief discussion ensued about the complexities of the relationships between the Town and these non-profit agencies, in terms of both costs and benefits.
Jack Moran proposed a number of ideas to promote development:     
*  Exploration of support for new agriculture initiatives-i.e. biofuels etc.     
*  Examination of Federal Grants and certain USDA and EPA programs that might offer incentives, loans, grants to communities.     
*  Collaboration with the NH Dept. of Parks and Recreation to explore opportunities for further utilization of State Park Properties.     
*  Analyze the nature of the health care industry in the area and promote health care related commercial activity.     
*  Investigating attraction of low-impact R&D into High Tech Manufacturing industrial development.

Bob Marshall suggested that some funding for activities of this committee might be provided from Planning Board budget under their consulting line since this committee is working to provide both Selectmen and Planning Board with information necessary to conduct their responsibilities. He will also find out about having members sworn in.

Next Meeting: Members decided to reconvene on Feb 18, 2013 at 7 p.m. to consider the following:     
*  Create a charter to govern operations and procedures     
*  Begin the discussion about broadband including potential surveys etc.Meeting was adjourned 8:30